
Fitbit Tracking Sleep When Not Wearing

Woman looking at her Fitbit Charge 2.

If you were fortunate enough to activate a new Fitbit tracker over the holidays, welcome! Chances are you're notwithstanding getting to know your device, and that's ok. Creating a Fitbit account opens you up to such a wealth of salubrious things to do, track, and share that it can take a bit to get yourself fully acquainted. Then here'south a little Fitbit help—12 subtle features y'all won't want to miss.


Create goals . Most Fitbit trackers allow y'all to fix and adjust daily goal—such as activeness, do, weight, hydration, food, and sleep targets— at anytime straight from your app [ How to set goals ]. Your daily progress towards these benchmarks can been seen on your dashboard. With certain devices, yous can also set a "main goal", which programs your tracker to warning you via lights and/or vibrations when you lot striking information technology. To see if your device has this capability, click on the "Account" icon in your Fitbit app, cull the device yous're using, click on "Chief Goal" and cull ane.

Customize your dashboard. The quick-glance tiles on your Fitbit dashboard aren't set in rock. Yous can add, delete, edit and rearrange them from your app and so they all-time back up your needs and goals.

Manually log activities. If you lot currently use a Fitbit One, Zip, Flex, or Charge, which don't offer SmartTrack, or y'all're doing an practice that doesn't crave steps (indoor cycling, the elliptical) or involves complex, footstep-based movements (like tennis), manually logging the activity can improve the accuracy of this action'south contribution to your caloric burn. Information technology'southward also a great option on days you forget your tracker at abode. Hither's how to use manual tracking , as well as edit or delete automated entries.

Get competitive . Want to compete confronting others? Create a group on and add friends. From there you can view the leaderboard to run across how you rank against other members and have discussions. If your friends listing is feeling thin, don't worry: Soon yous'll be able to find other like-minded people through in-app groups .

Dive deep into your data. The detail screen y'all're brought to when you lot click on a dashboard tile isn't static either. For many, y'all tin whorl through the top panel to see more data analysis and fifty-fifty get one-week, one-calendar month, three-month, and i-twelvemonth averages. You may also exist able to click on the mean solar day-by-day stats that make up the balance of the screen to farther investigate a specific twenty-four hours. This is where y'all can notice information like sleep quality, your longest stationary flow, how much fourth dimension y'all spent in each heart rate zone, and more.

Share pictures. Have y'all ever seen someone share on social media cool pictures of their conditioning or screenshots of their dashboard, badges, or other accomplishments? You lot can practise that, too—and straight from your Fitbit app! Here's how to share your exercise , stats and accomplishments , Adventure landmarks , challenge results , and badges . Later this month sharing gets even easier with the launch of Fitbit Community .

Improve bombardment life. How long your tracker's battery lasts depends on which device y'all have, your usage and settings, and other factors. Expect up your device to acquire specific means that may help extend its battery life.

Set a bedtime reminder. Hopefully you've taken advantage of your power to set a sleep schedule , just how about a bedtime reminder? Scheduling an warning that prompts you to get-go unwinding 30 minutes earlier your bedtime target can help you lot maintain a consistent sleep schedule, which experts say may do good your health .

Log naps. If your tracker automatically detects sleep (all wrist-based Fitbit trackers practise), then whatever nap you accept that lasts longer than an hour will be saved in your slumber history. For anything shorter, you'll need to manually log your sleep .

Wake upward with a silent alarm. A gentler, more than partner-friendly fashion to start the morn really exists. Learn how to set up a silent warning that wakes y'all with vibrations, then detect xiii other ways silent alarms can be helpful —you tin set up to eight on every Fitbit tracker except Cypher!

Request a weekly progress written report. Curious how yous're doing or want to make sure you lot're tracking towards your goals? You can opt into getting a weekly summary—that includes weekly totals, daily averages, badges earned, comparisons with friends, and more—within your notifications .

Sync with other apps. Practise you lot ride with Peloton , sweat with Fitstar , stay organized with Amazon Alexa , or train your brain with Lumosity ? These apps, and many more, can sync with your Fitbit account for easy information sharing. Take a look at all the apps currently compatible .


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